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I once dated this guy. He was nice and did things I liked. One day he kissed me out of the blue and next thing you know we are always hanging out with each other. Ive talked to him time to time before this but I just didn’t know how to take this relationship. He never did ask me out or anything but I just assumed. This went on about a year. During this year he wanted to do stuff that I wasn’t ready for. But he would often force himself on me. It was horrible. I didn’t want this. Next thing I know was breaking it off. But he did not want this to end. He would text me day and night asking if we can back together and I did I gave him a second chance. Next thing you know he is showing up at my work trying to do inappropriate things. Thats when I finally ended it all. I blocked his number and blocked him on social media. After that whole relationship I was disgusted with myself. Mostly my body. I started not to take of myself and I was in depression for a while. Finally this week I started to take care of myself little by little. I still dont like myself but I am trying to learn.

5 replies

You are so strong girl be very proud of yourself and you knew when to leave seriously.


Thank you. It was super hard but I am glad I did it.

Riya Kriplani @poetic

He’s f*cked up! You don’t need him.


Your right. I just hope that he doesnt do that to anyone else, but it is probably a good chance he is. Sad


He wants it not you that’s why he never asks you for a relationship. You have taken the right call. You will find someone better than him. A lot better than him. About the body it is hard but nothing wrong with your body or your heart. They are pure as always. True one never ask you about it or never mind


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