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Self LoveThought


I normally like to smile to people on the streets, or when we somehow make eye contact, cuz I think it can perhaps change their day, or make it a bit better. But most of the time they don’t smile back, and I think it just doesn’t work. How would you feel about it? Should I stop doing it?

8 replies

idkwhothisis123 @claudialister

hi!! i love it when someone smiles at me and makes eye contact, dont stop doing it please. it makes my day honestly. i am quite a shy person if you dont actually know me, but if someone initiated a smile, i would 100% smile back :)


Ohh, you just made mine! Really. I’m smiling now and I’m definitively not gonna stop doing it. Thanks, it means a lot to me.

idkwhothisis123 @claudialister

ohh im so glad!! keep smiling :)


just continue it. i like it when strangers are smiling at me but sometimes i can’t reciprocate because i have issues with my smile. i always want to reply back though.


Thanks so much for getting back to me. I’m gonna keep doing it. And it would be great if u replied back, not cos of the smile particularly, but cos of the loving heart behind it. Thanks a lot.


Please don’t stop, ever! I like doing this too and what you are experiencing, this happens with me too. But I continue to do it because being kind makes me happy, so I don’t care how other people perceive it :)


Wow, that was wonderful! Thanks a lot for sharing that with me. I’m gonna definitively keep doing it. Thanks! :)


I’m glad 🧡


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