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Mental HealthThought


I never could accept myself.I always complained me about my appearance and behaviour.
When I keep mum on someone’s offensive talk,I hate myself for not responding.
When I do respond,I ask myself why did I even bother?
Whats wrong? Why I am not like a normal person who lives each day newly?

6 replies

how many contacts do you have? or active in social media? Do you have access to social environment like school or work? if does apply to you, you can reach out. just have small talks to schoolmates in class or in work, have access to long term contact friends? reach them out. Sometimes this feeling is common. you are not alone. but if non of it applies to you and have been stuck at one place like a room compared to outside, then I think its serious and seek professional help.


Sweetheart, I wish I could say that I was normal and I lived each day newly. But really, I think, most of us question our appearance and to and fro between our feelings for ourselves. It is a constant process of nurturing that leads to a human being that accepts themselves and even loves themselves for who they are. So don’t be too hard on yourself. If this feeling persists and hampers the way you live everyday life, it might be a good idea to seek professional help. That can really make all the difference. That and positive affirmations and belief ?


+ I know it’s easier said than done, but find inspiration in people and things that can help you bring out of the negative cycle. Find those activities and role models which make you feel important and accepted, in the beginning, to sort of find an anchor. After that you will be able to sail through. Stay strong xx


I sleep some days, no most days and wish that I don’t wake up the next day. I can’t wait for the day I’m right. I won’t kill myself but this is my test to see if there really is a God who is putting me through this fucked up life.


We do live in a world where many things can make us sad. It can be on social media, at school, at home, about yourself as an individual, etc… And for those with depression, the sadness is so deep rooted that you sometimes feel like you will never get out of it and those on the outside may not truly understand what is going on, and sometimes the depressed on also does not understand what is going on. Take heart. You will feel better. Live one minute/hour/day/week,etc… at a time. Try what I suggest below and see how it makes you feel. It can be challenging at first, but you will get the hang of it.
Find a quiet peaceful place, with plenty of bright light (It can be out doors or inside) and write down 10 blessings you have. Next to each blessing give a reason why you feel it is a blessing. For example, say: “I am so happy that I have my eyes, because with them I can see my loved ones; or see the beautiful butterflies;… whatever reason you can think of” then end it by saying Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for my eyes" Please say it with a lot of feeling and truly mean it. if you miss a day go back a day or 2 and go over the previous 10 blessings you wrote down. This has a way of taking your mind away from sad things and you will think less about things that bother you. Your days will get brighter and brighter.
Try this out for 28 - 30 days, Write down 10 new blessings each day. They should not be repeated. So your book should have about 280 - 300 blessings written in it. 
Do try this, and let us know how it goes.

Deepanshi @deepanshigupta0

Reading this i feel even i have many of these questions in my mind sometimes  when i feel low. But i feel this is normal we act according to the situations around. But some overthink about it. And start feeling bad about their decisions. But don’t feel bad about you. Just try to love yourself more.


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