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I need your opinion on this matter because I donā€™t know what to do.
Is it bad that I am getting annoyed with my best friend, Iā€™ve been his friend for 5 years and in those 5 years he never treated me rudely?
It started with him simply calling me dumb, at first I didnā€™t mind it because sometimes thatā€™s what friends tell each other you know, but he started mocking it and getting so close to my face while saying it, ā€œomg you are so dumb, dumb, dumb, dumbā€, because he has been saying it a lot more often I just donā€™t respond to him and look away. I had a mental breakdown when I was in math class for not being able to get the math problems and I remembered how he told me I was dumb and I kinda believed it at that moment. Then we were talking about the school food, he asked why I didnā€™t get a pepperoni pizza and I told him I was busy looking for the bigger piece which he called me a fat ass, I was not embarrassed but felt guilty because I already knew i was. I told him ā€œcall down flat assā€ because I felt attacked by his comment, he just told me he rather looks like he does than look like meā€¦pointing at my stomach. I told him to repeat what he said and he didnā€™t and changed the topic. There is this ā€œcuteā€ girl that he so calls and let me tell you he is gay so I jokingly said she might turn you straight, he said he didnā€™t like her but heā€™s never seen a girl as pretty as her, and he was comparing me to her, saying ā€œyeah but you are ugly and she is prettierā€ which kinda hurt me. One time my friend told me to stop being a bitch and I got mad and told him to never call me a bitch, he just said then donā€™t act like one, I told him to not be so toxic than and thats how that went. We have a great time together besides those things, so I donā€™t know what to do. I really donā€™t care if I do lose him as a friend but I donā€™t know why I feel this way. When I see him on the morning bus I am super pissed because he is always in my personal space, but I donā€™t show it. When I am sad he checks up on me and is nicer to me, so that makes me super confusedā€¦I donā€™t know what to think anymore. I need your guyā€™s thoughts on this.

6 replies

Maybe you guys need to take a break from each other.


Yeah I think I do, he cause me two metal breakdowns in one week

Sanket @sanket


Friends are meant to annoy us, abuse us, make fun of us, thats how usually the nature of a friend is.
If you feel hurt then simple tell him


Are friends really supposed to body shame? Either way I will tell him to stop thank you

Sanket @sanket


Generally friends body shame to just make fun of you, thereā€™s not any bad intention behind this, although it has its own way to do it.
You are always free to tell your friends that you do not like these things and ask to them stop, politely. You also need to take such things casually, will not hurt you


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