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I need strength and courage to face my current situation. I’m not doing well mentally and emotionally for the past months. I was depressed and anxious. I can’t open up to my parents, I don’t have the courage to tell them what I was going through. My emotions and overthinking always get the best of me. It affects my health and my academics. Now, is my lowest of lows. I am failing as a student, as a daughter, I am failing in life. I’m already a 4th year student in college but I don’t see myself graduating anytime soon. I received an email yesterday that I need to submit a reinstatement for enrollment. It broke my heart reading the email, the information was so hard to process. I don’t know how am I gonna tell it to my parents, it’s hard to see their disappointments. I don’t know what to do. Please help me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @svenstar
6 replies

That’s a serious situation… But keep in mind… Everything is temporary… Your parents might scold but balance the situation… What would be best outcome… Share with parents or you don’t seem they ll understand… Then share it with close one your elder siblings… So they will help you out


Thanks for this. It’s just so hard because I’m afraid of judgments. I used to be an achiever until college came. I’m trying to finish the course I didn’t like. My parents and relatives have high expectations from me. I am to blame, it’s all on me. I think I really have no choice but to tell them, I’m just not ready.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @svenstar

Shelley @svenstar

Try writing out what you have to say with no intentions of sending it. More of a cathartic exercise for you and to prepare you to let your mind get the words you need flowing. Wait a day, reread it, and decide if you want to edit it, start a new one, or make a list of talking points if you want to have the conversation in person.

My parents were harsh and expected perfection or close to it, so talking to them could be terrifying. Not all families are like this. Some are ok with letters so they have time to process everything, others find it impersonal and rude. You know your family, so if you find any of this helpful, do what you think is best, or pick and choose anything you might find helpful.

A lot of college students take 5 years to graduate. They tend to not put that in the brochure. Yes it’s a blow to the ego, but you get second chance to try again, you’re not kicked out. And if it’s the same exact classes, you have a leg up. If you can get out of the ones with professor’s you didn’t like or a class you don’t need that you found full, maybe you can end up making next year enjoyable in the long run.

Best of luck!


I’ll try it. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.


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