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Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I need someone to talk to.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sabazius
43 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sabazius

Sabazius @sabazius

Hey. Are you okay?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I wish my mother would support me with my gender dysphoria.


You talked about it with her?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

Yes, and she told me all her beliefs on transgenders.


So what do you think? Is there any hope?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

Not when she believes them to be predators.

Bubble @bble

What about others on your family? Is there anyone who support you?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant


Bubble @bble

I’m sorry about that dr…many of them still have these misconceptions about this.Especially the elderly ones i think.Seems like it’s very difficult for them to accept it.Keep trying.Don’t lose your hope. After all she’s your mom rt. Hope she’ll understand you. May be it’ll take a little time.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

It’s been over a year.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

My brother made fun of me for it.

Bubble @bble

Try to persuade her even if it takes time.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant


Bubble @bble

That’s bad 😤
Just ignore. Have you ever blamed yourself for it?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

Yes, I was also annoyed at him when he did. Since he would be all like “ew, cooties” in a mocking tone.


I know someone like this.
It was difficult for her at first.Like yours her family didn’t supported her.She kept trying & talkin.There were a lot of hardship.Finally they accept her.Now a trans men.

Bubble @bble

I don’t understand why people still think like this.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I’m scared to try again.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

He was 13 at the time.

Bubble @bble

But Dr do you have any other options rather than this?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant


Bubble @bble

*dear 😃

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

Ok, dr means something else just so you know.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I don’t know what other options I have.

Bubble @bble

You have been through a lot.Hang in there.

Bubble @bble

What about your friends?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I do have friends. One who is also a pre-op trans girl.

Bubble @bble

That must be a relief for you. Rt?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

Somewhat, but I still live in my mother’s house.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

She was the one who made me aware I even had gender dysphoria.

Bubble @bble

Are you a student?

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant


Bubble @bble

I know it’s hard. But I don’t want you to give up. May be these hardships you’re facing now is for a better tomorrow.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

How do I stop feeling uncomfortable.

Bubble @bble

Focus on yourself.You did nothing wrong.They might say things which will make you uncomfortable.Try to ignore it.

Bubble @bble

You’re precious and you’re life is worth fighting for.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

I mean physically, I always feel physically uncomfortable about my body now.

Bubble @bble

I think for the time being you have to cope up with it somehow.Since you’re a student n you’re family being not supportive.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

On an unrelated note, I wish I was actually learning stuff.

Bubble @bble


Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

They only teach me what I already know, or make the class do fun activities for most of the lesson.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant

If not for the rntire lesson.

Natalie_UK🏳️‍⚧... @cant



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