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Anger IssuesThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I need some advice, This year I went to a new school and started making friends with this group of 4 girls. Things went well, they started to like me much and it was just great. Out of all the girls I talked with, this one girl was the most I talked with because we had the same interest. I started having dreams about her which have some sexual scenes and just started liking her. I’m an aggressive talker and never really thought what others think but I messed up, every time I talked that way they would just laugh it off but I guess months later they all just stopped talking with me. Like a week later I messaged the girl who I talked with the most and she explained to me how she felt very uncomfortable with the way I spoke in an aggressive matter and she felt weirded out when I would say things as “It would be so hot to make out with someone on the cinema” and to then invite her to the movies. I gave her a long message that now looking at it, it seemed as if I was desperate for things to go back to how there were and not think about it. It’s been almost a month and it hurts seeing myself alone while my friends have a good time. I know that I messed up but she has to understand that I have a problem and can’t stop and think about what I’m going to say before I say it. I’m thinking of messaging her in the way in how I feel and not being someone else.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mid
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Ru a guy or a girl

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mid

A girl.


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