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I need some advice.
I have a friend, we’ve been friends for 4 or 5 yrs. Our friendship ended in August last year. It ended really badly with anger but not towards me but my friend group. The person said they hated everybody but me and they texted me a few times after that big explosion mental breakdown kind of.They said they were sorry and wanted to be friends again but I declined. I declined because they hurt my other friends feelings by saying that. I didn’t know what to do nobody wanted to be friends with them again but I just I didn’t hate them i don’t. I care about them alot but didnt want them to break again. Recently they added me on insta, i think they want to talk again. Im not sure. This person makes me hesitant, im scared of adding them then i j7st fall into their lap of being their friend. I forgive easily depending on what happebed. I just idk…i dont know my next plans i need some advice.

5 replies

I feel very attached to this person as well. It isn’t healthy idk i dont think. Like I would agree with everything they say and do all the time I just…idk and maybe they changed idk

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You are allowed to give your friendship a start over if there was no bitterness just in between both of you. Then you can always decide… I think you will have a clear mindset to analyse them this time because you have spent some time apart. Let things fold naturally, see where it goes

Yakshit @yakshitshh

Don’t stress this much.

It seems you want to talk to them. So just talk.
Don’t overthink.

If you keep thinking that this is a problem and your other friends won’t like it, this would become a problem.


Yes my other friends won’t like it but im not sure…the person had a whole mental breakdown then was so angry at everybody. Nobody liked that, I mean I can see why but then everybody just stopped talking to them. I’ve had that happen to me before ik how it feels to be left alone i just idk… yeah I won’t stress it too much thoughh


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