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I need help…I really like a guy and we are dating…today we went on our 3rd date…we are in our last year of college. Only 6 months are left…and we already don’t know how things will go in future…today he said “I may have plans for Canada…not sure…so we shouldn’t get serious for now”…now I am thinking should I be in this relationship?..we are 21-22 year olds.

8 replies

say to him, before it’s too late.


What Should I say?


It will work only if you both are on the same page else it’s best to part ways right now on a friendly term with minimum hurt and loss.

m s @mhs

Look, live in the NOW. There’s no guarantee of a future. If you think that he’s making you happy right now, go for it. Enjoy the time you have together and whatever happens later on, happens. If it works out, great. If not, you would have had the chance to be with someone you like and get to spend a part of your life with them. If you are meant to be together, it’ll happen. Just don’t waste time being serious. Focus on being happy.


I really think this…but there is always fear of getting hurt.

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m s @mhs

You’re right. But you can end up hurt either way. So you may as well be happy and risk it. Than risk it without the chance of being happy.


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