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One Sided LoveThought


I need help. I am in a toxic-complicated ship. Me and this girl are not in a relationship. I really do love her and she like me but sometimes SHE SAID SHE LOVE ME. I am not in peace nor happiness but I do get happy sometimes but more or less it’s 60/40. In most situation/case she didn’t explain me things and only when I get upset or mad she explain but after couple of mins/hours. She would say I would be moody all the time but I really don’t want to. I just want to be explained and not being left out like some friends with benefits or one night stand. I really want to be loved, involved, cared, be in peace/happy. I don’t want to get yelled at, screamed at, want to be talked kindly/loving manner way, I don’t want to get hit either. What should I do? How should I get out? I tried to get out but it’s hard. 😔

1 reply

Madhvi @mimadhu

Aren’t you the one whose partner kisses random guys in the pubs?
Were we not clear the other day?
She is simply enjoying all the attention and pleasure she could get
You need to stop!


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