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I need an explanation. Long story short. My best friend and I act like we’re a couple according to my other friends. This guy says he wants to remain friends only but other times he’ll say he wants to be more. Da f. He’s confusing me constantly. Plus ever since I went to visit him, he’s been acting like a jackass. Before he would constantly call. Now he hardly has the time to talk. And he’s suddenly always out and busy. What do I do… please help.

15 replies

Praneeth @blahboyhw

He might have got feeling but he might not know if you feel the same way and he might be avoiding u so that those feelings might not increase and didn’t want to ruin ur friendship at the same time… Did he know that u want something more than friendship as well?


He’s known for a while, like over a year and half that I have feelings for him. I just don’t get why he’s become such an ass in these past 4 days. He’s not the same person I knew. He’s acting so strange. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.

Praneeth @blahboyhw

May be he is overthinking it… or he doesn’t want a relationship with you and trying to avoid u. In my opinion it’s best if you guys don’t get close or talk to each other for few days to reflect and see if both of u have same feeling and want same things or not. If u guys different things for each other then it’s best u guys keep ur distance.

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Was he asking for sex all times or togetherness, like good times together like besties do?




Maybe it was just lust for him, your should stay away from toxic people


I’m starting to believe that’s all it was for him. Idek what we are anymore.


Create a boundary with him. Let him know if he just wants to be friends, then this is what it’s going to look like. If he wants something more, then he needs to reciprocate those feelings, and commitment.


The problem with him is, he oversteps. He does not stick to boundary lines. I have tried before. I have even gone as far as to telling him what I want. He responded by saying he thought I was joking about the commitment stuff.


Well then girl, the fact that he is not respecting your wishes and boundaries says a lot! This sounds very toxic. Cut him out girl! You deserve way better!


I suppose you’re right and I should distance myself from him


Sit and talk with yourself and understand what do you want this relationship to be. Once you know that then talk to him directly if required.
If it’s just friendship then stop looking forward for his calls and text.
Meet new people and live your life fully. Do what brings you joy.


I’ll have to take time out to rethink things. Again. I know were in the weird place of being more than friends but we just dont know what we are anymore.


My dear I don’t think he was ever more than friends. You guys just became friends with benefits for him. It’s best not to get involved with someone who doesn’t respect you.
If he was friend and is still doing this with you then he is certainly a jackass.
Please remove yourself from this situation ASAP.
And noone in the world can overstep the boundaries you make unless you let them do it.
Please look for your happiness and joy. Don’t ruin your heart and life for this guy.


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