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I need advice…please help me I m Just feeling blank and stuck at a place…don’t know what to do…
3 yrs back I met a boy online, we started talking…after few days he told me that he is married and his wife don’t live with him… then after few days because of family pressure his wife came along and started living with his family again…he asked we if I wanted to end the relation we are having…I said no I don’t want to end and we continued…he never gave me his no or picture in these 3-4 yrs…and we were like actually aware of the fact that we can not live together…and now due to financial problems in his family he travelled abroad with his wife…and like from the starting both of them were facing issues In their married life…we use to do video call nd all…I felt some sort of guilt and I told him to be with his wife…I m not going to come in between you nd ur wife…now he is saying his wife is asexual…so he wants me to be emotionally and sexually available for him…and he is having anxiety and depression problems…and I m ready to be emotionally available for him but not sexually…and I also told him the same…but he is not ready to accept this…how and what should I say to him… keeping his mental health in mind

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @girly_chic
15 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

It is as simple as that he is using you
i know its really really hard truth to swallow but he is not the right person to be with even emotionally…i can only suggest you one thing to cut him off from your life… his healing is not your responsibility…ik things must be hard for you…but it will only get worse if you stay with him

Deepesh Gupta @deepesh200...

True meeting these adult people is never good
They want small children for sex and that’s it …
He is just making excuses about wife from the beginning
Through him out of your life



Priti Jena @priti_jena

I agree with you too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Take some time off…meet you other people,friends…you will feel good and slowly move out… take care

Profile picture for Now&Me member @girly_chic

Lydia @girly_chic

He is emotionally blackmailing you knowing or unknowingly
I won’t tell you to stop communicating with him but I’ll tell you to give yourself space … You already said you can’t have sex with him which means you know it’s not right to be with him since he is married… Now take some space out for yourself and meet new people not online but hangout (go hiking, bowling or a park or anything with your girlfriends or even a random friend ), have fun and be distracted from him
You’ll find yourself not thinking about this because truth be told his mental health is in check but it’s yours I’m worried about

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Can we chat in private


Can we chat in private

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NM @senoritanuri


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Lydia @girly_chic

Yes we can please … I’m always available

Profile picture for Now&Me member @girly_chic

Lydia @girly_chic

Yes we can please … I’m always available

Profile picture for Now&Me member @girly_chic

Lydia @girly_chic

Yes we can

Rahul @asonkar

Helllo shall we talk in private???


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