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I need advice!! I went through my boyfriend’s phone because I felt as if he was distancing himself. I noticed he had been talking to his ex. However, I do not know what to make of it. He was calling her “my love” and even told her he loved her. HOWEVER, they don’t talk every day. he was talking to her about me and she even sent pics of her and her boyfriend. Idk what to think…please help…

Also, her bf obviously found something wrong with their conversations. He made her stop talking to my bf. but my bf told her that she wasn’t going anywhere no matter what.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mangoice
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sazzbb
21 replies

Aaron Kirk @ap1111

A conversation need to be had for sure


Run from there how fast you can.


This isn’t the kind of relationship you wanna be in sweetie

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mangoice

Mango @mangoice

Hes obsessed with his ex, and you need to get obsessed with yourself. Realize that you don’t need anyone who is sneaking around behind your back, hes stuck in the past and you are the present and future honey. Dump him, it will be hard and its gonna hurt but you will end up better


How long have you guys been together for


four years…I just moved 8 and a half hours to be with him


And he’s getting in touch with his ex just now? Or he has always been in touch?


he told me he doesn’t talk to her. He talks very bad about her to me all the time.


First red flag is a person talking bad about his ex and blaming them for whatever went down. Second red flag telling someone else that he loves them and won’t let go…I know it’s been four years and would take a lot for you to reverse stuff. But looks like he was stuck in the past all along. If you guys are young and still have time run from there. If you are too emotionally invested, confront him


what do I even say? I’m not a confrontational person, so this is hard for me.


I understand. But in this case do you feel like you can’t confront only him or people in general


People in general.


I mean u won’t have peace of mind till you try. Maybe watch some vids how to confront people

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Exactly. If you don’t have something helpful to say then don’t say anything at all

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sazzbb

I think he is v confused on his own. Please confront him and ask him to be honest w you. Let him take his time and if it’s still worth it, you can go for it but I wouldn’t recommend

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