Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I miss you, but i guess you dont miss me too. So stupid of me to add you on your real account. It’s hurts seeing you online but you’re not talking to me anymore. Why do you still viewing my myday? Then, out of nowhere, there you are again chatting me. What do i need to put on my myday? To catch your attention? Am i not enough? Im starting to doubt myself. But, i know there’s more important things to do than questioning myself again. I have dreams. But sometimes i wish you were here. You became my hero on my darkest days. We’re still friends tho, but… is that all? Been confused for awhile. I’ve been dreaming of travelling to different countries, and also to meet you in person. Still hoping that one day, all of my dreams will come true, and that includes you. I’m going to be the best version of myself. So when the time comes, in God’s will, I’m gonna say I made it, I deserve It, I pray for it, and I got it 🙏🏻😇

3 replies

I wish you didn’t have to go through such a hard time emotionally. I can only imagine how you must be feeling and how lonely it must be sometimes. But you must realize one thing, if the person does not look your way anymore or does not give you attention, then for your own self you must try to move on. This person is not going to change, when you are at your worst and this person does not even care then it’s high time you move on and do better things for yourself.
You became my hero on my darkest days. - this is so powerful. I can totally relate and on days like today when I’m feeling low there’s nothing else that i want than my person to just drop a text or call to ask how I’m doing, but that is not the case. So i am trying to be optimistic and finding things to distract myself.
Maybe you should too… Lots of love and more power to you!!


Thankyou! So hard to be strong all your life, then all of the sudden when I let my guard down and try to live a normal life just like everybody, being vurnerable and feeling myself, being sad, alone and needing love, he came just at the right time. But still, nothing last forever. 🥺 I’m still praying and hoping for the best 🙏🏻


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