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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

I miss my school so much, the place I spent 8 hours a day from when I was 3 years old until I turned 15, then I switch to another high school very against my will, a horrible place I hated, days went by slowly, everything was boring and I just felt like I lost 2 years staring at a white wall. I just got into college and I’m still not over my old school, my old small town. When I left I had my group of 5 friends that always had my back, within them my best friend that I’ve known since I was 6 whom I used to fight with every other day but we’d always get back together no matter what. For the longest time, I thought I was lonely and they were the only ones I really had but I slowly started to realize that wasn’t true, everyone had my back, even that one kid who used to constantly make fun of me thinking he was so funny or whatever, he was there for me too. I realized that when I was at my lowest point, so many people I never expected showed me love and support, when I used to cry in a corner cuz I argued with my best friend I was quickly surrounded by my entire class, cheering me up and ready to fight the one that made me cry, I liked that. My last day of school, some people wrote messages on my wall ( a huge piece of paper we all had and every end of the year people could write a message) I never got many, and that one time I didn’t either but two stood out to me, I barely knew them but i felt so understood by the words they wrote me, I hope they’re doing well. I feel like I wasted my time there too, I have so many good memories looking back yet I went through so much unnecessary stuff and that was all my fault, can’t believe i allowed that, can’t believe i didn’t know how good i had it. I also miss my favourite teachers, the ones that treated me like a daughter and looked after me. I wish i could get over it but i really wish this was just a dream, I want to wake up and be back home.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dakshsharma
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kalllejfnajw2
Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa
Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dakshsharma

dakshofficial @dakshsharm...

Same here 🥲

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kalllejfnajw2

School life was the best the less stress and pressure and obviously the fun the time during the break and sports classes 🥲 Best part of life that’s why maybe they say we came to school by cring and left school having tears in eyes. 😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

That’s so true, I started school crying cuz I didn’t wanna go and I left crying even more cuz I didn’t wanna leave, isn’t it ironic? I guess we never know what we have until we don’t have it anymore. I wish I would’ve allowed myself to enjoy it more and live in the moment, but i was too in my head with other stuff, always worried about a future that still has yet to come. I shouldn’t have cared about others that much, I feel like I did everything wrong but i can’t blame myself, I’m sure others would’ve done the same in my situation, it was something i had to experience in order to learn, but idk if i can ever move on from those days.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kalllejfnajw2

Difficult to move on bec that a life we live just for once

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa

No matter how much you miss your school or you want to go back to enjoy your school life we all know ‘time waits for none’ ofc school life will have a special place in everyone’s heart but the thing is we have to move on…
You’re yet to experience best years of your life!!

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

I love what you said “You’re yet to experience the best years of your life” I think I needed to hear that bc i often think, what if my best years are the ones that I left behind, what if that was my happiest moment and i never experience such emotions again… And you are right I should move on cuz If I’m now wishing i would’ve lived more in the moment back then but i didn’t cuz my head was also thinking about the future now I’ll also regret not living this current moment for being caught up in the past, i don’t want that. It’s very hard for me but i need to try harder, I need to move on, I feel like i can’t but i know i should. Thanks for ur words.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa

Trust me when I say this
You’ll not always have good experiences but just don’t get demotivated coz after bad experiences you’ll start valuing all the good experiences in your life❤️


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