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I met this girl in class, and we had sooo much in common. We both really liked each other. She gave me her number, when we ran into people she knew, they gave her the โ€œdammmmnโ€ facial expression. Every time we talked she always made eye contact and her eyes moved like crazy (which I thought was weird). It was awesome and I was glad things were going great. Something felt weird thoughโ€ฆ it was almost like she felt guilty talking to me.

Then slowly, she started avoiding me more and more. The quality of our conversations never changed, it was still clear to me that she liked me. I was very confused in the moment, but I didnโ€™t put pressure on her, I just figured she was shy.

Then one day I texted her continuing a conversation we had in person, and she read it, no reply. 15 minutes later, she just replied โ€œI just wanted to let you know I have a boyfriendโ€ I was hurt by it, especially coming off of a breakup. I responded thanks for letting me know, hope he treats you well. But now a few months have passed and I just canโ€™t get her out of my head.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @admire_life
2 replies

Mahendra Dabi @ms_dabi


Feeling Sad for you brother ๐Ÿ˜ถ

Profile picture for Now&Me member @admire_life

Sometimes things take time to forget about them and pass. Hopefully though itโ€™s not such a burden on you. Whenever you think of her just say to yourself or in your mind โ€œI release what I felt for you and you. I let you goโ€ and breathe to let it go. You got this :)


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