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I met someone online and just talked for few days, but I started idealising that person because of communication skills and education background but now since I have not received reply from last 2-3 days, Ia m obsessing over and just overthinking on loop. This has happened with me before and usually gets better with time but now I want to heal this.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande
4 replies

Don’t put high hopes or expectations due to temporary things.


this is what people call a situationship i guess. you think you’re in a deep relationship but it’s not true. you’re just overthinking about this person.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bhavna_pande

Bhavna P. @bhavna_pande


I appreciate you opening up about your online connection. It’s normal to have mixed feelings. If you want to share more or have questions, feel free to reach out. Your feelings are valid.


Sorry about your experience. I dont know what you mean meet someone online, do you met this person in person? If not, then better to let them go. You dont even know if the person you are talking to is who they say they are. Find new friends, and keep yourself busy. No sense in wasting your time about worrying about someone who doesn’t worry about you.


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