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I mean I hate mosquitos yarr…like sometime yoy think you will go on the roof and watch the stars…like in movies…and just you will get lost in your own thoughts…or if you are with your partner then then lie down there without uttering words just holding hand…but those motherfucking mosquitoes…like bhinnnnn bhinnnnn…like seriously dude…I am really trying to get few moments of relaxation…and there too you have to suck my blood literally and then you brag that in my own ears…like the audacity…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aachi
8 replies

😂😂😂😂dudeeeee u described it so well


😂😂I shared this with my dad who just came downstairs cuz terrace pe mosquitoes were doing bhinn bhinn



Profile picture for Now&Me member @aachi

Ahahahahaha, you said it 💯

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Ik I hate too. I am a very deep sleep and nothing can wake me up from my sleep but one night I woke up scratching my self. They really have the audacity to get to your nerves. The only thing that has truly helped me is the mosquito rackets and the mosquito net otherwise nothing works on them


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