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alisha @i_d_k

I made a really good friend did everything for her made her feel special by all small and big gestures and at the end she got tired of me and says i need space i can not stay bound to you only i have other friends too so im giving her all her space because my self respect matter and im not doing anything special for her anymore.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu
15 replies

Good for you 👍👍

alisha @i_d_k

But i feel really bad she really is special for me

alisha @i_d_k

But the worst part is she doesnt care she has moved on to new friends


I know. But youre not alone in this. There are many who lost their important ones because their important ones didnt want to reciprocate or care back. And its not that it wont happen again in future. But you will find good friends. Friends that will stick for you and reciprocate. So hang in there. And most importantly , look after yourself.

alisha @i_d_k

Its hard staying alone in uni


How old are you and which year at uni ?

alisha @i_d_k

Im 21 and its my third year


Well . Im a last year student and all ican say is this ki you will have friends in last year. Dont take too much tension

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

Don’t worry , you will find a better one , trust me , and even if everybody leaves you behind , you are still gonna keep going and keep getting people , i cant promise you you will find a permanent one but you will always find a better person🙂❤️

alisha @i_d_k

Heyyy thankyou this means Alot🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

Well , what are humans for if not for caring for each other?

alisha @i_d_k

I wish everyone had the same thinking like you bcz i spoiled my friend so much and still she chose others

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

Trust me , everyone chooses someone else at some point . Nothing is permanent, so i cant promise you i will talk to you forever but i might as well be as a friend , and while it lasts i will make sure you are at your best self☺️❤️😉

alisha @i_d_k


Profile picture for Now&Me member @chaithu

chaithu @chaithu

Always welcome❤️


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