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i made a mistake. I contact him again b’coz i feel lonely. I thought he gonna talk to me again but i guess i made myself look stupid and desperate…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cess
11 replies

just know it’s not your fault… coming from a girl who’s done the same thing as you i can understand the feeling you feel. if he doesn’t want to talk to u again then i say leave it alone and try to focus on other things


Thanks. Yeah i feel angry to myself. also he block me already. Yeah i need to focus to other things.


you shouldnt be angry about yourself and your actions ! he didn’t want to talk to you , and okay that’s his loss and his problem. you should focus on yourself and what you need and want .


thank you. i thought if i share this to other people they will judge me being stupid and desperate.


of course. and people who would judge you for being “stupid and desperate” are people who have most likely never experienced what you did. i understand the feeling of wanting to re connect with someone because you feel lonely so therefore i understand where you’re coming from. and though it may feel like you were being “desperate” after you’ve done it but it’s only our instinct and we can’t help but want to re connect with people when we feel loneliness.


Thank you so much. Yeah when we are lonely we wish that we have someone by our side. That’s why we are trying to re connect to the person we used to talk our thoughts and problem. Thank you so much for the advice


yes of course it’s only our natural instinct to do that. and anytime! let me know if you need anymore advice :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cess

Jaiga Cess @cess

thank you. i let you know. thanks again


I was so close to doing the same thing today. 🫤 I hope things will get better for u soon.


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