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I m really feeling depressed. After sharing 11 yrs of relationship when we come to this stage letā€™s marry he said kundali gun milan is less than 18 so we canā€™t marry.

I really love him alot, canā€™t take this anymore.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandman
Profile picture for Now&Me member @hempresssativa
38 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandman

Ridzi @sandman


Before loving anyone else, always love yourself first. If he loves you, he will come back, otherwise itā€™s his loss. Donā€™t give control of your life to someone else.


Right but what about my feelings

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandman

Ridzi @sandman


I can totally understand. It will take time but time heals everything.


Itā€™s been 2 yrs and I canā€™t get over him. Time canā€™t heal, itā€™s just giving me hopes that one day he will come

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandman

Ridzi @sandman


Itā€™s been 5 years for me. :')


What did u do?? How did u mangage, did u miss him still ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandman

Ridzi @sandman


Yes I miss him everyday, but now I just feel like he is a past of me and was a part of my life. I have accepted things as they are.


So are u married now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sandman

Ridzi @sandman




If he will not marry me so I think in my whole life I will not be able to marry someone else further.


Iā€™m sorrry but itā€™s the family pressure nothing else to not to marry you


Does really kundali Plays a important role if gun milan is less than 18


In Hindu culture is does play a very big part in it so yes ā€¦


So really if itā€™s less than 18 , we canā€™t marry each other.


See itā€™s just the excuses of not marrying you thatā€™s it nothing else


I also think sometimes this but I canā€™t understand whatā€™s the need to lie if he is not ready to marry. If he would have been said these things in front of me, I will cry , scream but more than that I can easily move on but now this situation is breaking me very badly and I canā€™t think of anything else.


See i know it would have being hurting & suffocating you but the things which is done, its done and dusted so itā€™s tough but you have pick yourself up from the ground coz you canā€™t be on the ground so just dare yourself to stand up and face it and move on coz the life has more things to be done rather then just be laying down on the ground for the one person so if need of anything help or something do connect any time.


I tried but I donā€™t know why itā€™s so difficult to move on


Coz you are still in the past and havenā€™t tried to move on from it thatā€™s why


Ee still talk to each other for this issue


Are you serious you talk with him even nowšŸ˜…


Yes thatā€™s is why i m getting depressed


Just stop talking and go have your life Miss or seriously you are gonna be more miserable then ever


I canā€™t stop myself to talk to him. Itā€™s like I should kill myself if i donā€™t do this


See you have to take this bold as some point of life or else it will be too lateā€¦

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Thanks but really it breaking me inside

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I donā€™t think anyone knows this issue in our mutual friend.


Also if I will try so he will be angry that why are you bringing this in our friends

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hempresssativa

I am sorry about your situation ā€¦it is extremely difficult to completely let go but we got to start somewhere right ?..I think subconsciously you havent really accepted what has happened ā€¦you got to sit down with yourself and tell yourself that it is over and there is nothing you can do about itā€¦ once the reality hit i think youā€™d start making a conscious effort to move on


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