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I m not able to get whether m in a relationship or not… I have made all the possible efforts to my bestest extents… But still m ignored… I have to beg for everything from him… I cry in front of him… He talks to everyone well and I can’t get myself back…i can’t leave him… N he s least bothered about anything… It’s been 40 days m struggling with all thiss… I don’t know what to do… With whom I can rely on… Coz this thing has broken me down to such an extent that I don’t know whether I ll be able to come out for thisss… M not even sure that whether he loves me… Whether he wanna be with me… But after so many contionuss days of struggling… I think I should not do any efforts now… I m done… I m also a human yrr… I too need someone to make me feel secured… Why it’s me trying and then also afraid whether he wants to be with me or not 😫😫😫😫

10 replies

I can totally understand you…don’t you think you should express yourself and if still it doesn’t work. Take a break from this relationship and you find it’s not worth going back as it is costing your peace of mind. I believe we all need a partner who considers us with our feelings and make us special but here you are not finding if it’s worth fighting so you give a real deep thought make a decision if you can work with your partner to make the relationship work or not


Break in the sense!!


Try to connect to your self give him some time and space , if he’s comfortable with your distance…just understand he’s not the one …

Karthika MK @2906

hey hi… i’ve read your post. I just wanna tell you that You should know your worth! The struggle will be hard to go through but only you can change the way of being on daily basis. Always put your standards high and treat people well who cares for you. Be happy and keep smiling!


Thank you


Ask yourself if there is a point in staying if you have to doubt it? Why are you only putting effort? Why doesn’t it matter to him?
I know it’s going to be difficult…don’t stay where you are not valued.


😶 yeah…


Babe .
You are in a relationship with a human or an onion .

Look if he is genuinely busy or doing someone, then it’s fine .
But if he is ignoring you on purpose .

It’s a RED FLAG .

Please walk out of that

It’s only going to hurt you , nothing else .

And yeah , walking out is not going to be easy remember that . And just in case if you thought of staying.
Then Again remind yourself all the time he let you down , Ignored you , make you feel like you are worthy of love …


Babe you are a queen of your own kingdom. Don’t let anyone ruin your charm , shine .

Slay your dragon queen .
Be bold .
Be kind .( But not a fool )
Be compassionate.
Have courage (but know when to leave ) .

You deserve all the love .


Thank you so much… This has really given me strength… But still it would be very difficult


I never said it is going to be easy .

But still remember your worth .

And if you will give him another chance , he will not think twice to hurt , bc you are giving him that opportunity. And if he would have truly loved you , he would have never hurted you .
I heard this quote on insta and it’s amazing read this out

( When you love someone truly , you can never hurt them without hurting yourself & if you are hurting them it means you are hurting yourself also I some way or another)

And after that you don’t even have any right to complaints.

So babe know your worth .
And make your peace of mind your first priority.


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