Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

kp @sm_i_le_y

I m feeling really low … Uh know lowest in ur lyf … Highly demotivated … Lack of love. . Lack of emotions … Not able to connect with people … Not able to do my routine … Disconnected from parents … Doing nothing in career.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostarjun
Profile picture for Now&Me member @satyam_19
14 replies
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kp @sm_i_le_y

Will it be fine !

Abhinav Tomar @abhinav74

How can u decide it’s gonna be same phase for uh in upcoming time?


Everyone gone through this phase in life and having a feeling of nothing achieved. I just want to add one thing everything is temporary and soon pass away. If you wanna talk I here for you.

Normal @justnormal

Hi. What happen tell me detail so i can help . Everybody goes through some stage of suffering .

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Hey, it will be alright…take care

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostarjun

Mallikarjun @lostarjun

Try to go for a vacation for few days to relatives or friends

Gogou @gogou

Hi everyone I am so boring what will I do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @satyam_19

Satyam @satyam_19

This happens sometimes when u just feels like what exactly you have to do… Lost interest in everything…
But believe me… This thing cures by itself… Just gave yourself some time and i swear u will never feel same again… Time heals everything

kp @sm_i_le_y

I feel like I commit suicide

Profile picture for Now&Me member @satyam_19

Satyam @satyam_19

Hey please listen, believe me u have a Purpose here …
Just try to understand your worth… There only you… Everything in the world … People tree’s forests everything… U see god has created for you…
Yes i understand we feel low sometimes but that is totally fine … This shows that you are Alive…
Just relax dear everything will make sense soon ☺️


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