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I m feeling an urge to talk to my ex…with whom I broke up 15 days back…after 4 years of the relationship as our future is not possible due to religious
differences…we never thought we would go so long…but he was still not ready to break up…even he was looking for girls to get married…as I cannot…

But a few days back I sent him a video that I made for him…yes, I think I intruded his healing process…I should not have sent him…we promised each other to be there whenever we need each other… That’s who didn’t block or deleted each other no.s. but he replied demeaningly and said awful things to me…but I refrained and just got silent and never replied back…but those words are repeating in my head…as after giving all of me to the relationship how can he say those things to me…I m also dealing with the same issues…but yes he didn’t want to let me go…but practically it’s just would harmed each other’s lives in the long run…as it will take time to find a compatible partner otherwise we both would compare that new person…so before that we both should live alone…and let each other go completely. But his those cruel harsh words have just make me feel lost and weak…what should I do???

compatible partner

5 replies

He probably said it because he was hurt so don’t read too much into it. You both need space and with time things will seem a bit more clearer.

Nikita @gari

Thankuu…for saying so…i hope the same!!🌸🌸🌸

Sanket @sanket

Those words came out of anger and pain, of course, they are hurtful but somewhere are valid too.
You may have taken a path for the welfare of both but it also has its own outcomes and this is one of them.
Accept those words, and find behind them that he is also hurt, he was into this relationship which is why these words came out in the first place. These words somewhere prove the authenticity, be proud for which.


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