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I m 27 now. Don’t know what I m doing with my life. Was studying CA left in 2018. Still unemployed doing a small job. Loosing all my confidence, crying all night don’t know how to and whom to share.

4 replies

Life goes on buddy! It’s not the end yet, don’t loose hope! God will lead you to the right direction. I actually don’t know how to gain confidence since I don’t have that myself, but I feel you buddy, just continue living life, don’t give up. You’re still 27, we will never know what will happen. Just continue what you’re doing, and make sure to love the things you do. If you cry all night, just let it out, I don’t know the whole story but, I just want you not to give up okay? You need to be strong. If you can’t find your purpose, let the purpose find you. Let the world say what your purpose is, cause I believe each and everyone has purpose and each of the events have reasons. Challenges are the things that makes you stronger buddy, don’t forget that. Sorry if I wasn’t formal, I’m still 13, I don’t have much experience like you do, but I just want to cheer you up! Don’t get me wrong, I just want you to feel okay, I hope I helped big buddy!


I really needed this, thanks for commenting this. You said you’re 13!! you’re so mature at your age! 😊


I’m kinda feeling the same way, but hey! u said you’re doing a small job then technically you’re not unemployed 😂 hehe

Me too pal, I’m stagnant, no directions in life, always resigning to my jobs, don’t know my passion, got dreams but not doing anything , too lazy to take a step coz always ends up comparing myself to my batchmates who’s already successful in their own career path. But I’m trying to focus right now on learning this one thing.

I think that’s what we should start doing since we’re both not getting younger, focusing one 1 thing or career that u can work on in the future might help.

U can share anything here with us since we’re all anonymous 😂


See i just present u a practical solution…u were studying CA …i m assuming u were at FINAL level…even if not…then also fine…try n look for many other courses offered by ICAI (eg - GST practitioner)…CA is not the only course by ICAI…but person preparing / had prepared for CA exams can surely clear those with some efforts.


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