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I love you and I’m hate what we have become. You asked for a divorce nine months ago. You just kept living in my house cause you aren’t ready to move out. How am I supposed to move on how am I supposed to think it’s over when we still live in the same house. We both fucked up in this marriage. We both have shit to apologize for. But I want this. I want to grow and be better together. I want to talk and fix things. I want you and I always will. I know we could be the best. I want to give you the space and time you need but I haven’t given up.

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She asked for the divorce because she felt like we were friends and not romantically connected.

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I just need her to realize it could be better between us. That we could make it work. But I don’t know how to get her to see that. So I’m working on me. I’m working on my physical and emotional health. I’m working on finances since they were a trigger for us. And I’m working on my reactivity. Trying to be calm. I just want my wife back. I want to sleep in the same bed I want to hold her and tell her how much I love her. I miss our marriage.

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