Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought


I love myself but sometimes I just want someone to love me the way I love myself, unconditional and pure.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aloksingh23
7 replies

LostSoul @ratii12

It might feel impossible at times but it’s not. Though it takes a very long time to find it but when the time is right you will find it

Unicorn @rashmi2505

Sometimes I want to scream out loud!


Watch jersey movie

LostSoul @ratii12

I know waiting seems hard but once you get that love all this will make you feel special. Whatever you are going through now is a way the universe is preparing you to be good enough when that love comes to you. Same way that other person is going through different things to be ready when they meet you. This is what I feel cause if you get something easily you loose the importance.


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