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β€ΊGrowing Upβ€ΊThought

szafina alone @szafina

I love my mother. I can not look at her when she’s in pain. I don’t like her having a hard time. But sometimes, she really crosses the line. I am sure she’s aware of the words she calls me. Because it happens many times already. I hope I don’t get fed up until I see nothing but to leave.

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szafina alone @szafina


Those words she calls me are not my nickname. Those words are stupid, lazy-iss, dumbsh*t, and worthless. I just couldn’t believe that I could hear it from my own mother.

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szafina alone @szafina


I know that I am not the only one who experiences that. I am just confused as to why she has to do that.

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szafina alone @szafina


not yet

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