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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam66

Sam @sam66

I love my friend I really do but whenever I talk to her I feel anxious and it’s not because of her it’s just that I feel small compared to her and I feel the need to prove myself to her… she’s really sweet but Idk why do I feel this way. I better pull myself together or I’ll lose her :( she’s my only friend

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam66
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sam66

Sam @sam66


So what do we do

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Do not put yourself less than. You are the most important person in your life

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost


It’s okay. Those are just feelings.
Maybe you feel the pressure of your feelings. And why don’t you tell her how u feel? Maybe you’re not being truthful to her about your feelings and that makes u feel small cause the thoughts keep nagging or maybe it’s something else whatever it is you’ll have to seek within and talk to her mostly once you’ve figured it out. And it’s okay to feel small, sometimes it’s called humbling, it’s humbling when I’m around this person because whatever it is that u think of them & what qualities they have. We can sometimes look up to someone n that feeling comes too.
So just sit with yourself and have an honest, uncluttered conversation. Don’t fear my friend. You’ll figure it out. Best wishes. A
P.s as I read, you said she doesn’t make u feel that way so did not at all mention that oh you should leave if she makes u feel small because she don’t, so don’t worry maybe u can talk to her about it and she’ll help you otherwise what kinda friendship eh?


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