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One Sided LoveThought


I love my best friend and she knows about it, but she doesn’t feel the same way… She tells she wants to but she can’t. What should I do???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @agoodlistener
5 replies

Give her sometime, if she really likes you she will be yours one day




Will do that. Thank you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @agoodlistener

Same here broo…I expressed to my bestfriend but got rejected… now the only thing I can do is to give her time and continue the friendship we had before…smile❤️


It’s really not something you can do anything about. It’s sad very sad when this happens. Give her time. If she doesn’t feel the same way, try to move on. This is how everything works. It’s hard to stay friends with your bestfriend after you start developing feelings for them. There’s this dialogue in the kissing booth 2 which says, you cannot really hold onto someone. More you try doing that the chances of them slipping out increases and they eventually do slip out. All you can do is care for them. Hope you get what I’m trying to say:)


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