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Ishita @ishita

I love him. I still love him. And I love him badly. And he did too. But with time, situations complicated and drive us apart. Even though we tried our best to be together, the issues just separated us. We broke up. BUT I JUST CANT GET OVER IT. I CANT BELIEVE IT. Everything is still the same. I JUST WANT HIM BACK. I want to be with him. I want to spend every breathing second of my life with him. He is the sole purpose of my life. I want to support him. I want to help him grow into the person that he has always wanted to be. I want to be his pillar of strength. I want to wake up next to him. I am so much addicted to his love. He is the reason I try to stay alive. He is EVERYTHING. He is the only thing that makes sense now. I just want him back. I do have a lot to say but I can’t just put them into words. I just love him. I want to be with him.

7 replies

I wish I had that kind of love…

Ishita @ishita


You will find that someday.


so sweet, thank you, even though your difficult time, you are sending me good wishes, i m very touched

Ankit @ankit0


He is a lucky person for sure. I hope I will be lucky also one day.

Ishita @ishita


Yes you will be that lucky. Just hope for the best and be patient.


Hey i completely understand what your going through coz i was at a point like this just recently. We love each other a lot too but we had issues and i was not willing to compromise. We had a real messy conversation about, mean things that we dont actually mean were said and stuff. I cried the entire night and felt really emotional the next day too. But he and I could’nt just accept the fact that we are breaking off without trying so we made up in the end. You guys should maybe calm down and try talking about your issues once. If both of you are willing to hold onto each other then you will definitely work something out or you could just start over again. If it is not possible then buckle up sister. You may feel like its the end of the world but let me tell you, that it is not. Take you’re own time to heal…1week? 2weeks? or months? No problem. Take you’re time and heal yourself. Time heals everything is absolutely true. Its okay, everythings okay. I would give you a hug if i was beside you right now. You have a beautiful life ahead of you. Its okay. Eat a fair share of ice cream, binge watch stuff on tv, cuddle up in a blanket and cry, read a book…do it all. Trust me this suffering will pass. Lots of love. God bless you.

Ishita @ishita


Thank you a lot. Yes, I’ll try to fix things up. And I will move ahead in life. But for me, moving on doesn’t mean that I will see 'ew guys, get into a new relationship; it isn’t like I’m afraid or something. It’s just that what I have for him is pure love. And yes I will wait but at the same time I will build myself and my future. Thank you so much. I really felt positivity in your comment. Thanks a lot.


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