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I love her very much and I think she also likes me but she confused me every time. I think she still didnโ€™t get over from her ex. everytime it seems that she is more interested in that boy and honestly I donโ€™t like that. She told me that last night she met with him in a wedding and she spoke with her. I told her that if you wanna continue with him Iโ€™ve no problem but atleast clear the things between us. Speaking from bottom of my heart that I donโ€™t wanna get hurt again. I want her to be a happy life. I also donโ€™t wanna hurt her. I donโ€™t know how should I tell her that I donโ€™t wanna be with you because i know that at the end Iโ€™ll get hurt. please suggest something.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gitanjana_paul_choudhury
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @gitanjana_paul_choudhury

Gitanjana @gitanjana_paul_choudhury


Itโ€™s crucial to communicate your feelings honestly. You can say something like, โ€œI care about you a lot, and itโ€™s clear that you still have some feelings for your ex. I want you to be happy, but I also need to prioritize my own well-being. If youโ€™re uncertain or not fully over your ex, it might be best for both of us to take a step back. I donโ€™t want either of us to get hurt, and I think itโ€™s important to be honest about our feelings. Letโ€™s have an open conversation about where we stand and whatโ€™s best for both of us.โ€ This approach emphasizes your concern for her happiness while expressing your need for clarity and honesty in the relationship.


Thank You Very much for your suggestion. Iโ€™ll consider it.


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