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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


I like creating situations which may hurt me I have amazing family and friends who love me but still I am just empty inside the truth is I am a bad person and i deserve this i deserve to get hurt i deserve to not be loved and i deserve to get punished for it because I am a person who always made bad decisions, I am a bad person…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker 😈😈😈 @joker279


Never get upset with yourself. It should be other way around like whatever happens you should not leave loving yourself. Self-Love is the best love …


I always and always just wanted to be a good person a pure good person but I just ruin things without having the intention to do so

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker 😈😈😈 @joker279


It happens. Unintentionally we do several things which we don’t want to do . But mistakes do happen. After all we are humans . learn from that mistakes and love life . That’s it


But making same mistakes again and again just in variation is just horrible it hurts and pierces through my partner’s heart which makes me sad too

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker 😈😈😈 @joker279


Ok i understand. But don’t look that way. Analyse your mistake and take step with all your mind open without stressing about it. Stress ruins it all. If you take stress about it and make any decision it can be prove bad always but when you don’t take stress and think openly you wont do that mistake again


Oh god blossom I feel the same


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