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I left a girl because she caused me too much mental health issues, and it seemed like a mutual leaving, but I still can’t help but think about how much I miss her. There’s no one else that I want to talk to, no one else I wanna share my life with, but I can’t, because we’ve gone separate ways, and the reason she caused me issues was because she wasn’t talking for over a month (to anyone) because she felt shit and she couldn’t see any end to that. I don’t know how to get past just wanting to talk to her because she felt like a part of me. Any solutions to this problem? I’m trying to focus on myself and talk to other people but she gave a lot of purpose to my life and brought a lot of happiness but my head would physically hurt from not knowing what was going on when she didn’t want to talk.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

I’m not good with relationships but I know in fact that in a healthy relationship there is communication and also in friendships, so I suggest you try talking to her about it, try explaining to her that the lack of communication is hurting you or that you miss her because of… (What you said). And if it’s doesn’t go well, try moving on. I know it’s hard but you cannot keep focusing on one person.


I tried to, and when I did, she told me about how severe her depression got, how she needed to see a specialist and that. She said she doesn’t have the energy to talk to me about it but I had to say it which she understood. She said ‘And honestly I’m not gonna be able to keep up what we were like before’ after that I said how I couldn’t really cope and if she felt better for her to message. She said we could be friends but I pointed out it’s not going to help anyone because there will always be feelings. She said she understands and that she was sorry. I ended by giving her her birthday present (without meeting her) and said I want her to message but that I didn’t expect her to in the future x

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_someone_

I’m sorry to hear that! I think it would be better if you take some time for yourself then, try focusing on things that you like. And maybe who knows, you’ll meet someone new :) (If you ever need to talk I’m here to listen)


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