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3am ThoughtsThought


I know you are not going to get to know this right now but I keep overthinking and overexpressing and I keep overdoing everything because I’m afraid that you’ve already changed and if you keep changing like this I’m going to loose you and the only reason that we’re in each other’s lives is because you didn’t leave after every petty dumb move I made you decided to stay with me and now you’re tired of me overdoing so I think you’ll get tired of me soon and I’ll have lose my best friend forever and you’re the best present of my life and I wish I wouldn’t be able to live my life with happiness if you’re not a part of it and I’m sorry for it all

Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who

Mayank @true_who

Looks like u hve just baffled up thoughts. Do u wanna share what’s going on exactly?


My best friend who’s changed a lot in past two years because I didn’t always tell anyone about what was bothering me or why I was upset and used to say thay you can tell me everything, I’ll read it later if I’m busy but just tell me and I’ll read it all. I keep overthinking every night and any emotions I have, it’s like a wave of them and so I started becoming dependent whenever anything happened I’d tell right away and I started writing everything in really long texts and then after about a year, he thought I didn’t care for him because everything that we talked about was about me and that was because he doesn’t like to share problems with anyone and he’s used to handling them alone so I stopped asking then we got in a fight and got past the whole thing and after that he told me multiple times that I need to stop telling him each and everything and I’d agree but things kept happening and I would end up telling him after getting drunk and in the past everytime I prioritised my relationship over friends but he’d still tell me about the important stuff going on in his life any big achievement or a serious crush and stuff like that but I’d stop talking to him if my bf texted me cuz he didn’t like to wait for my reply 🙄 anyways then I broke upand he helped me through my break up and then we used to talk a lot but then I overdid everything and he started keeping a distance, we still had forwards in Insta everyday. Now he’s changed a lot and over all these changes he’s already grown tired of my breakdowns and now I’m afraid I’ll keep doing this stuff and wind up loosing him and he’s so so important to me and it’s like I can see him slipping through my hands and I still can’t do anything about it because you just asked what’s going on and instead of just telling that I blurted everything ugh 😓


I replied and now my reply is also under review I think I should have put a trigger warning here for using words like ''would no t be able to l i v e ‘’

Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who

Mayank @true_who

U overdid! What it refers?
Has ur bstf any gf?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who

Mayank @true_who

U can connect with me if it’s violating


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