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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

I know the days are Hard but still just look around you, you are surrounded by so Many people who care for you and you don’t know ,
It’s just overthinking and made you feel your lonely and Alone ♥️✨
Don’t give up there is more things you have to do and you can achieve

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07
11 replies


Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07



How do I know someone genuinely cares about me?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

You just don’t know who is that person cuz everytime you talk to anyone you treat them equally so you don’t see them special
The person who stands for you the person call you regularly or weekly talk to you a lot and share their sad part with you that’s the person I’m talking about


I’m aware of that, i know there are people who love and care about me deeply. That does, however, not change the fact that i’m alone in THIS. The situation that seperates me from those same people, simply because they can’t relate to what i’m going through. Part of you will never have someone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

The family issues isn’t it?


No, thats not what i meant. I meant that noone will ever be able to fully understand you as a person, not even you yourself. Not people who love you. There will always be a part of you that will not be understood and cared for, there will always be something broken about your soul.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

Yeah your right , and you’ll start to feel faded in crowd


And lonely & confused

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

Yeah i know but still when you talk with someone you feel good even tho it is just a moment ,


Yes, true, oftentimes


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