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Mental HealthThought


I know it’s bad to be dependent on someone, but after so so many years I have been so calm because of him, and never had any panic attacks,…! But he is home for two days and not talking at all and I have pretty bad anxiety for two days, not able to eat anything, urge to vomit, bad headache, hallucinations,. Sometimes someone saves you in a way they never know.
Please don’t tell me to not be dependent on him. I have suffered with anxiety since my childhood.

6 replies

Suresh Ranka @sureshrankaw...

I have also been through this I can help you with this…



Pari @pari123

Seek professional help. Honestly. Life is much more beautiful. Dont suffer from a problem that can be cured


Hmm…I did. It’s genetic. And not everything has a cure :)

Pari @pari123

Agreed. But it can be managed.

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