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3am ThoughtsThought


I know I can fix everything but I want to fix it for him. I know I can take it on mentally. I want him to be okay but I can’t help him right now . It hurt because you want the people you love to be okay, but you can take care of them when you not taking care of yourself 💔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetpie21
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetpie21

pie 🥧 @sweetpie21

Listen… To me… I knw u r a good person and you love that person alot I get it but always keep one thing in mind you can never fix someone it’s them who can do it not you and it’s not ur responsibility… Yeah you can love and support… Sometimes just being there to listen 👂 is enough… And that’s all that is needed… Don’t try fixing others bcoz at the end ita gonna break you… Am speaking from experience 🥰


Thank you I need to here that


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