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i keep complaining about how i don’t wanna be single anymore yet anytime someone shows interest in me i start praying they don’t actually like me lol. It’s not that i’m scared of getting hurt or that i’m afraid of commitment or anything like that, it’s simply that it makes me cringe, idk if it makes sense but i feel so stupid and weird whenever i like someone for real and they like me back bc then i actually start to fall and to get stressed about it, which means that i care and i don’t like caring for other people ?¿ idk maybe this makes me sound insane, i swear i’m a very caring person but i just don’t like when i start caring for someone i just met and i care about what they think about me, how they’re doing etc etc:/

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7
6 replies

Don’t overthink you’re a pure soul.


I get you … you have been hurt before. So, you have issues like you said, getting scared , commitment issues , trust issues, mostly the fear of getting hurt again.
But honestly, sometimes it’s better to take chances , if you don’t take a step now, you will be afraid or may regret your decision now. Start with small things ,it’s okay , take your time and be ready… And when you pick someone make sure they are worth it . Everything in this life is surrounded by pain… and you will get hurt eventually . So, even if, you get hurt atleast you can tell yourself it was fuckin worth it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7

David @davidcr7

This generally happens when you have been felt bad about feeling for someone or probably been brutally broken by a person you once loved.
There is another possibility but that is somewhat what i call serious. The feeling of self hatred- which gives an interpretation to yourself that you can’t be loved. Either they are masquerading or they just trying to be nice.


makes sense, ig it’s probably that i have been made felt bad and stupid for liking someone before, i don’t think it’s me hating myself and not feeling like i can be loved tho, like i have pretty good self esteem and even tho it is true that sometimes i can’t tell if someone likes me or not, it’s just that, that i can’t tell. But it’s not that i think nobody would love me. Also, yea, i’ve been hurt before but everyone has and i don’t think it’s that either, it wasn’t a big deal, my past relationship was pretty healthy. Maybe i’m just scared of becoming naive and cringe and delusional once i fall in love. I avoid it bc having feelings for someone makes me feel vulnerable and weak lol. Thanks for ur response, it made me think and u have a point.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @davidcr7

David @davidcr7

Well, welcome 😁
But talking about your past relationships- you said it was healthy. I guess this is also adding to it, though i am not sure about it.


First of all be yourself don’t try to figure out on both side like…you just split your character into two…like you want something from someone at the same time you don’t want too…


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