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3am ThoughtsThought

Hoiki Liu @allthisk

i just wanted to scream fuck at the top of my lungs but there isn’t anywhere in the city where i can do that without ppl hearing me so i just search where can I scream fuck you out loud and somehow found this page.
i looked into this site for about a min before agreeing to signing up but then trying to come up with a user name that’s basic enough so it’s not so recognisable was giving me another anxiety. typing shit out makes me kinda feel better, and I don’t feel the need to scream for now thank you.
also it’s 3pm in the office for me right now… fuck.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @evara_1
3 replies

Fu ck people dude scream fuck get it out as loud as ever why even care let people hear don’t give a damn about them life will be good

Hoiki Liu @allthisk

seriously fuck ppl, thanks dude reading this made me smile.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @evara_1

Just take a break go for a trip somewhere else hike to the top of mountain it’s either sunset or sunrise with a stunning view
Your thoughts will clear up with exhaustion and peace with cold breeze of wind


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