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I just want to let everything out i am not okay my bestfriend is seriously ghosting me we haven’t talked since two weeks i really want to talk to her she saw that I was depressed but she didn’t ask and totally ignored me i get that she may not have the emotional energy to handle me or she may not me emotionally available but i was only expecting her to say atleast hi to me she has completely ghosted me and I am feeling so so lonely i have cried uncontrollably everyday since she stopped talking to me it feels terrible i love her so much she always was a good listener and a good friend to me to be honest i just miss her a lot she’s not there for me anymore i miss her truly

Profile picture for Now&Me member @eatingforlife
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @eatingforlife

Lawrence @eatingforlife

Try to find something engrossing to do for a couple of weeks. Try out your hobbies and stuff. Don’t think about them too much.
After some time, talk to them and work it out with a relaxed conversation.


Yeah try to reach after some time… not everyone will be available all the time right… till then you can share here …


Thank you i will try to talk to her but till then I will have this weird feeling that she’s not talking to me ah i just really miss her and her talks i don’t know anyone like her she’s so nice but i don’t know why she’s doing this to me


The answer for that can be answered by herself only that what’s happening… And remember that everything happens for a reason… i hope everything will figure out soon… take care…


Hey. I’m sorry for what you are going through and not sorry for what you’re going through.

I’m sorry because I know how you feel right now and I’m feeling the same way but not sorry, because you are learning how to be sufficient for yourself.

We can talk more about it dear if you want to. Happy to hear you out. ❣


thank you it feels nice i miss her so much i just want to talk to her everyday like i used to i used to talk and tell her so much in detail but no she doesn’t even read my texts i sent her something 3 days ago hasn’t even opened it yet but i see her interacting in our school group chats so yeah sucks


Do you want to be bestfriends with me?😄 I’m happy to have someone speak to me and respond and share and lean on.


i would love to be friends with you and talk thank you so much for listening

Ruchir Soni @ruchirs98

I went through the exact same thing recently, not even a month. I’ve been in your shoes and it hurts a lot. I even had a serious discussion with her and she promised to change her behavior. It still remained the same. So I feel for you.

Only thing you can do is now keep yourself busy and focus on your goals. Make short-term goals and try to complete them. This thing has helped me move on a bit.
And yeah of course I’m here if you want to talk about it. We can be buddies.


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