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i just want her, only for me,… she doesn’t get the signs, and doesn’t know i want her in ky life, as my loved one, she just thinks of me as a friend…
I didn’t even realise when I got so used to her presence and existence, it happened so casually and swiftly… and there is no turning back now at this point, but I can’t even tell her about it because I just know that she will say no and I will end up in immense sadness, but I really wish she becomes my partner, the one I love…
why are human feelings so tough, why are we made like this? why isn’t any of this simple?

12 replies

You can only know , when you spill out how you care for her and to be with her. There is a complication in being one sided and opening up to her. You need to choose what you wanna do, how much pain you can deal with your decision goes sideways. Hope you get your partner.


it’s just been a few days, maybe one week, idk, but I’ve madly fallen for her, and I really don’t know when or how this happened. I guess being lonely for so long did it, and it made me do this without even fully knowing about her…
we’ve never met face to face,…


and yeah, I know there’s only one way to deal with this, which is to just open up to her directly, which is easier said than done, and I will contemplate and I do anticipate the worst thing, because I don’t want the current relationship we have between us, which is very friendly, to get affected because of that,… which is exactly why some things are best left untouched and look the best from afar…


as for the pain part - i don’t know if I can deal with that, since I anticipate a negative response, it’ll obviously cause immense pain… and takw away whatever little happiness or hope I have as of now, and plunge me into an eternal spiral of darkness… which eventually may or may not lead me to take some steps, idk…


Take your time. You need be sure it is love and not infatuation. You not met the person yet?


I guess a week to 10 days time has indeed done it for me… idk, I of course can’t be 100% sure, I don’t want to be… I just enjoy this feeling towards her, may or may not be 100% …
never met her yet…
but she just clicked… and it all happened so smoothly… I didn’t even realise how and when did I get so deeply emotionally involved and attached to her…
I just can’t let go of her whatsoever, I’m so deep into this emotion


That question is very hard to answer. I asked myself that also. Just weigh the situation. Do u want to keep friendship or do u want to confess? Its up to you. But if she cares for you i dont thnk you will lose friendship. Dont overthink too much. But if what you are feeling that you are keeping inside is suffocating you, best to tell her. Ive been in same situation.


Have you told her 👁️👁️




What was her rxn after that


You can never be sure if the friendship will stay as it was lol…
which is why there’s this extreme anxiety…
just why do such situations arise… and why do humans have so complex emotions, feelings…
I wish all this was extremely simole…
How do I get out of this, I really need a perfect solution…
I just want to say it all out to her… and need a positive response too… but at the same time I just know that it’s not probably going to happen and it will just ruin the current friendly relations too… leaving me with nothing in the end but frustration, sadness and dejection… with me left completely devastated and I’d slip into eternal depression… because I really really love her, and it’s a very strong feeling, and I would not be able to handle a loss…

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