Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Suicidal IdeationThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I just wanna hurt myself. I wanna see blood. I wanna hit my head on wall and disappear through the wall. It just feels this way most of time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

But why?! Why do you want to hurt yourself? There are already too many mean people in this world who have hurt you emotionally to this extent. Why add another person on that list? There are few people who love you, so why not add another one to that list? Why not love yourself and your life?

Tanya Singh @dbtanya01


Why do you want to hurt yourself so badly? What’s making you feel this way? Do you wanna talk about it? You can talk about anything that is bothering you!


hey could i call and talk?


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