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i just turned 25,everything seems so wrong , i didnt have a boy friend in my 25 years but all of my peers are in good relations or married or have kids but i dont wanna be married because my friends are married or am getting older. But i feel so alone some times and am always scared that am not gonna find some body who is gonna love me like i love them( This has happened twice in the past, like i had feelings but they didnt like me that way ) and am gonna die single .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr


Hey hey!! Relax!! Being single is not a bad thing!! But yes our heart needs that!! And sometimes we become desperate for that! But what we can do yaar!! We can only wait for a perfect time for a perfect one! Thats it!! That’s what I’m doing right now πŸ˜‘

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr


And we won’t die single don’t worry πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘


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