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3am ThoughtsThought


i just realized how low i view my self worth as.

6 replies

Ur parents didn’t raised you for this.! Chin up…


you’re right. i don’t know why i let these things happen to me. thanks


It’s human nature… sometimes i too feel the same… is there anything bothering you… you can speak it up😁


i just feel like i let people do things to me that i shouldn’t let happen. i let people say what they want when i should stand up for myself. i recently broke up with a guy because of the way he was treating me, but i realized that it shouldve never happened. i just let everything slide.


No… not always slide… Girl you matter.! Your self respect matters… and the people who don’t treat you better don’t deserve you😭… Try to say NO to things and fight for your self…
More power to you princess 👑 ❤️


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