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3am ThoughtsThought


I just joined a new college and met a boy…he used to come with his friend as a excuse to meet me …he became friends with me and then confessed that he has feelings for me …he took too much care for me and waited for me till I move on from my past …he said he ll never leave me if I ll be with him …he used to come to meet me everyday…he never misbehaved or touched me …and he respected me too much that I just fell for him …like he was a gentleman I just fell in love …and the moment I started having feelings he suddenly stopped talking to me …and i never knew what was the reason…he blocked me afterwards because I was spamming him and asking about t have he been acting like this …then now after almost 2 months he unblocked me and asked why can’t we be friends…I just feel to horrible…I like that guy so much…will I ever get him again to love me ??

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oh Bhai
he ghosted you
let him explain why he did that and if you find the answer convincing only then continue talking to him


Abey I literally begged that mf to talk to me back that days…I like that guy but maybe I should not talk


obviously you shouldn’t
Love isn’t an excuse to let someone treat you like shit


but still try taking about it first no quick decisions


Yeahh Okie


Yes maybe another female


Personally i won’t talk to him again. Atleast he should have told you the reason for his rejection. Just avoid him he don’t deserve you.


I feel bad though…just realised such a mf he is


I think you should start giving some efforts from your end
He would really appreciate it
Be friends

Go out together to random places
You are in college so join the same society

I think he became a little off as you were not ready to date him then and later hated you a little

Spend time with him
He will understand you and maybe you can date

But if not you have a friend

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