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I just feel veryy lonely and empty and clueless in life…I’m in my 20s

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Why so?


Thanks for asking! I’m still studying and an introvert and it feels like, I’ve not done anything except studying in life. Sure, it helped me crack toughest of the competitive exams with flying colours and get into a branch of my choice in one of the topmost institutes of the country, I got amazing and really supportive friend circle, but somewhere at this age, when some of my friends are getting married and most of them are dating, I haven’t been even on a single date. The thing is, I’m sort of an old soul,I want something deep, someone who loves the deeper me, someone whom I can love deeply. I just…seem to hate superficial things and small talks and it feels like…I just don’t belong…Anywhere!! Even in the middle of the crowd and with my closest hype buddies, the emptiness and loneliness is just overwheming

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Yea that can be overwhelming. Sometimes super ficial things take a toll. Do join sports or some club…expand your social circle.more. Regarding dating, its more of trial and few times about luck. Do keep trying and meeting people. I am sure you will come out of it. When lot of close friends date or get married, then finding friends of similar interest could br challenging. Try the above one, you will surely find a way out.


Thank you for that!
I’ve been trying to expand my social circle…but because of a toxic friendship in my freshman year of clg, it gets lil hard to trust people. I’ve been working on that though.
Like, I give access to people to my life only when I’m completely sure that the person has basic values like empathy, respect and not narcissistic.
Most of them end up as plain acquaintances cuz of that


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