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3am ThoughtsThought


I just feel like I am being left out…
So I just got my result of 10th cbse and I did okay like I got 80.99% I am satisfied with this so are my parents but they said that they felt like I wouldn’t even pass and that hurted me, as well as my sister says that you are not capable to do any thing just because she scored more than me.
I always got the feeling that my mom dad likes her more cause she is always scoring better than me but I don’t really know if I am just overthinking or that’s true. When my sister’s result came my dad bought her a new phone and now when I asked them they said what do you want it for you did nothing special to give you a new one. I just want them to love and appreciate my achievements like they do of my sister…

4 replies

Esa bhi hota h 🤦🏻‍♂️🤔

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It happens bro. … Many times parents for on the daughter but that doesn’t mean they don’t love you the same … And you don’t need to do something for them just do what makes you happy


Thank you


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