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i just dont know why i give people chances to break me.once again. I thought everything is gonna be normal but no that **it happens again ☹️ is there someone else here who is just like me or am the only one 🤦‍♀️

6 replies

People use me for there personal needs only.
They talk to me when they need my help that’s why I am always Broken form inside.


I repeatedly broke up with the love of my life ‘n’ number of times. I lost count.
But smtg draws me back to him every single time and end up getting hurt again and again. All I have learnt is tht maybe thts love, just the way its meant to be. Crazy, painful and keeps on testing us…
Don’t blame or be hard on urself. It’s not gonna be easy. If u love, just love without expectations. I know easy to say but give a try


… dont know what to say but if we love someone we expect love back but knowing the other person have moved on while being in the relation hurts the most


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