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3am ThoughtsThought


I just dont know … what i did wrong … i loved him so hard that i was even ready to sacrifice all my loved ones for him and have a happy life with him.He just couldn’t understand that how my parents are strict and conservative.
His family wanted him to get married but i was stuck with my parents situation.I knew that they want me to focus on my career and if i tell them about my relationship it would have turned disastrous for both of us. I just wanted him to give me some time and let let me achieve something career wise.Then i would be ready to talk to my parents as they would have been more acceptable towards this relationship. I tried my best to make him understand that i love him and i will marry him and i am not in doubt. I just needed time to take the right step when the time is right,even it needed to sacrifice few of my loved ones. I just wanted him to keep our relationship secret from all the parents for a while (although all the siblings and cousins knew about us).
But he left me saying “i dont love you anymore,and i dont care about your efforts that u are putting to keep me and save this relationship”.
After 6 months we are back to talking again and i still love him but he broke my siblings and cousins trust and and things are more difficult now.Even i try there will be more resistance and now he is bad character in all of their eyes.
What should i do ?
Was i wrong ? Is this the guilt i have to live with forever my life ??
P.s he is still not married .

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He wanted to tell his parents about me,but i was scared of my parents as they would scold both of us. And that would ruin things permanently. But i wanted him give me sometime so that i could handle my parents in my own way as i know more personally how they react to certain situations. And how could i have promised his parents without letting my parents know about him.wouldn’t it would been bad move what if they found out at that time that i have committed something to some one without their knowledge.

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I know,but i just know that he has lost of my family members trust now. They all say to me stay away from him. He disrespected you by saying “i dont love you anymore and he doesn’t care about your effort “. Have some self respect for yourself. He will ditch u again if things gets tough and instead understanding you and ur believes and perspective he will be selfish again.

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He lashed out and brokeup and didnt talk to me for months . I even made my sister talk to her to amke him stay but no, he still brokeup

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I want to , but i know theres nothing left ab my sister is elder to me and is a influential person in our family she wont let it happen it to me its about getting married not a teenage love story


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